Boxing with Timmy Kimose June 8th
Come and try boxing training from one of Denmark's absolute best boxing coaches. Timmy Kimose is the man behind KimoseSport and will be in charge of the training. He is a former professional boxer who has dedicated the last 20 years to being a boxing coach. He trains everyone from boxers and athletes to actors, models, businessmen, and enthusiasts.
We will be hosting this event June 8th 2024 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. It will be an exciting training session that you won't want to miss! Expect to improve your boxing skills, as you will be challenged both mentally and physically on a higher level. You are guaranteed to have a fun, challenging, and educational training session. All levels are welcome to participate.
As part of the package, you will receive two hours of boxing training and a gift from 7 Days Active.
Date: June 8th 2024
Time: 11-13(11AM-1PM)
Address: Pile Allé 55, 2000 Frederiksberg (Søndermarken)
Price: 350Dkkr. 20 tickets available.
Please place this sign-up/product alone on 1 order per person, separate from other products.