Scultòrea x 7 Days Active
Understanding hydration is key for athletes’ performance, recovery, and injury prevention! A recent study published in the National Centre for Biotechnology information examined hydration knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours among collegiate track and field throwers.
Results showed that 97.3% knew dehydration impacts performance, but 50.5% thought thirst was the best indicator (it’s not!). Some ate well but drank less than needed pre-competition.
Education is key! Athletes, coaches, and trainers must understand optimal hydration and nutrition to enhance performance and well-being. Starting training and competition in a state of optimal hydration is crucial for success.
Despite awareness, athletes may lack knowledge of hydration markers and strategies. Key practices include monitoring urine colour, body weight changes, and fluid intake to maintain optimal hydration levels.
According to the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA), athletes should hydrate before, during, and after exercise to replace fluid losses and maintain performance.
Reach out if you’d like to learn more and need a personalised fitness and nutrition program at Scultòrea.
We keep you active and hydrated, 7 days a week!