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Hi Bamba, could you introduce yourself briefly?

My name is Bamba Lowe. I am 31 years old and I am half Gambian, half Danish. I used to live in Nørrebro, Copenhagen. I am a Muay Thai coach and Thai boxer, and I have been practicing the sport for nearly a decade. Additionally, I work with brands and brand activation.

Do you have a motto you live by?

"Come day, come night"

Meaning that you've got to be able to roll with the waves and challenges of life. Behind everything bad is something good, and vice versa.

Hi Bamba, could you introduce yourself briefly?

My name is Bamba Lowe. I am 31 years old and I am half Gambian, half Danish. I used to live in Nørrebro, Copenhagen. I am a Muay Thai coach and Thai boxer, and I have been practicing the sport for nearly a decade. Additionally, I work with brands and brand activation.

Do you have a motto you live by?

"Come day, come night"

Meaning that you've got to be able to roll with the waves and challenges of life. Behind everything bad is something good, and vice versa.

What does a typical day look like in your life?

I get up at 5:30, prepare breakfast for my girlfriend and me, and then proceed to the local gym or go for a run in the rice fields before the heat takes over. There, I'll train clients and work on my own training. After stretching, I ride to the beach for a swim before heading home and starting work. The day progresses based on my tasks and the length of my to-do list. Sometimes, I have clients in the afternoon as well. If not, I enjoy an evening sunset stroll, a good dinner, and go to bed before 10:00 PM, which is a must. It’s very simple yet energy-packed, and I love it.

You also moved out of Denmark; where did you move to and why?

Yes, I did. I am currently living in Asia. I moved to experience the world full-time and to escape Danish conformity for a while, building an alternative life—a life completely designed by myself.

What does a typical day look like in your life?

I get up at 5:30, prepare breakfast for my girlfriend and me, and then proceed to the local gym or go for a run in the rice fields before the heat takes over. There, I'll train clients and work on my own training. After stretching, I ride to the beach for a swim before heading home and starting work. The day progresses based on my tasks and the length of my to-do list. Sometimes, I have clients in the afternoon as well. If not, I enjoy an evening sunset stroll, a good dinner, and go to bed before 10:00 PM, which is a must. It’s very simple yet energy-packed, and I love it.

You also moved out of Denmark; where did you move to and why?

Yes, I did. I am currently living in Asia. I moved to experience the world full-time and to escape Danish conformity for a while, building an alternative life—a life completely designed by myself.

Follow Bamba Lowe on Instagram.

Follow Bamba Lowe on Instagram.